I was reading an article called 30 Easy Ways to Save Money (and No, you are not doing them all!). That’s when I realized that I wanted to do a series where I tackle each and every one of the saving tips listed to take a deep and thourough look at which ones I do and which one’s I don’t.
This way I can maybe get new ideas on where I can save more money. I’ll give it a shot.
But as I love doing series I’m going to take my time with this and do it over 30 days (well, probably not 30 consecutive days, as my thesis writing doesn’t really permit this, I have a difficult time fighting my *ahem* (guilty conscience surfacing) internet procrastination as it is :) but as much as I possibly can on a regular basis.
I’ll probably be doing regular posts in between as well.
But as for now I’ll be enjoying my new series. The first series I did was a 10-day saving challenge (that lasted 36 days, lol :) But in the end who really cares how long it takes :) As long as I get out of it what is really important – and that is essentially the constant consciousness of saving on an everyday basis.
I’ll go ahead and start with the first one.
- “Cook at home often. If both the husband and wife work, this is likely to be very difficult. Start out with the habit of cooking at home once a week and slowly increase the frequency until you find a balance between saving money and getting stressed out.”
Quote: Dumb Little Man, Photos: Epicurious & Villa Milagro Vineyards.
Ok, let me take a look at this:
How many times have I eaten in and eaten out for this past week.
- Wednesday: lunch: OUT, dinner: IN
- Thursday: lunch: OUT, dinner: IN
- Friday: lunch: IN, dinner: IN
- Saturday: lunch: IN, dinner: OUT
- Sunday: lunch: OUT, dinner: IN
- Monday: lunch; IN, dinner: IN
- Tuesday: lunch: OUT, dinner: IN
Points: IN: 9 points OUT: –5 points
Hmm… I seem to eat out a lot. Mostly for lunch, it looks like. But this is actually a good excercise. I’ll track my eating/cooking habits in a similar way during the course of this following week. To get conscious about eating IN more.
- Wednesday: lunch: IN, dinner: IN
- Thursday: lunch: IN, dinner: OUT
- Friday: lunch: IN, dinner: IN
- Saturday: lunch IN
- Sunday:
- Monday:
- Tuesday:
Hey, this constant consciousness of saving mentioned earlier is already kicking in. This is going to be fun.
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